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Go to the documentation of this file.
00005 /* --------------------------------------------------------------
00006 Copyright (C) 2001 LifeLine Networks BV <>
00008 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
00009 modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
00010 as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
00011 version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
00012 version.
00014 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00015 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00017 GNU General Public License for more details.
00019 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
00020 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
00021 Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
00022 -------------------------------------------------------------- */
00023 #include <iostream.h>
00024 #include <OB/CORBA.h>
00025 #include <OB/CosNaming.h>
00026 #include "BridgeStub.h"
00027 #include "ObjCtx.h"
00028 #include "SoapBridge.h"
00029 #include "SoapBridge_skel.h"
00032 class SOAPBridge_ContextManager_i
00033 : public POA_SOAPBridge::ContextManager
00034 , public PortableServer::RefCountServantBase {
00035 private:
00036 public:
00037     SOAPBridge_ContextManager_i();
00038     virtual ~SOAPBridge_ContextManager_i();
00040     SOAPBridge::ContextManager::SOAPContext* allocateContext(CORBA::UShort timeoutSeconds, const char* userData)
00041         throw (CORBA::SystemException, SOAPBridge::ContextManager::InvalidTimeout);
00042     SOAPBridge::ContextManager::SOAPContext* queryContextInfo(const char* contextKey)
00043         throw (CORBA::SystemException, SOAPBridge::ContextManager::ContextKeyNotFound);
00044     void freeContext(const char* contextKey)
00045         throw (CORBA::SystemException, SOAPBridge::ContextManager::ContextKeyNotFound);
00046     void setContextUserData(const char* contextKey, const char* userData)
00047         throw (CORBA::SystemException, SOAPBridge::ContextManager::ContextKeyNotFound);
00048     void setContextTimeout(const char* contextKey, CORBA::UShort timeoutSeconds)
00049         throw (CORBA::SystemException, SOAPBridge::ContextManager::InvalidTimeout,
00050         SOAPBridge::ContextManager::ContextKeyNotFound);
00052     void resetTimeout (const char* contextKey)
00053         throw (CORBA::SystemException, SOAPBridge::ContextManager::InvalidTimeout,
00054         SOAPBridge::ContextManager::ContextKeyNotFound)
00055     {
00056         SOAPBridge::ContextManager::SOAPContext_var ctxInfo = queryContextInfo (contextKey);
00057         setContextTimeout (contextKey, ctxInfo->initialTimeout);
00058     };
00059 };
00062 class SOAPBridge_ObjectContextManager_i: public POA_SOAPBridge::ObjectContextManager,
00063 public PortableServer::RefCountServantBase {
00064 private:
00065 public:
00067     void CleanupContexts();
00068     SOAPBridge_ObjectContextManager_i();
00069     virtual ~SOAPBridge_ObjectContextManager_i();
00071     // methods corresponding to defined IDL attributes and operations
00072     char* storeObjectReference(const char* contextKey, CORBA::Object_ptr objectReference)
00073         throw (CORBA::SystemException, SOAPBridge::ContextManager::ContextKeyNotFound);
00074     CORBA::Object_ptr resolveStoredObjectReference(const char* storedObjectReference)
00075         throw (CORBA::SystemException, SOAPBridge::ObjectContextManager::ObjectReferenceNotFound,
00076         SOAPBridge::ContextManager::ContextKeyNotFound);
00077     void freeStoredObjectReference(const char* storedObjectReference)
00078         throw (CORBA::SystemException, SOAPBridge::ObjectContextManager::ObjectReferenceNotFound,
00079         SOAPBridge::ContextManager::ContextKeyNotFound);
00080     SOAPBridge::ObjectContextManager::SOAPContextSeq* listCurrentContexts()
00081         throw (CORBA::SystemException);
00082     SOAPBridge::ObjectContextManager::StoredIORSeq* listStoredIORs(const char* contextKey)
00083         throw (CORBA::SystemException, SOAPBridge::ContextManager::ContextKeyNotFound);
00084     SOAPBridge::ContextManager::SOAPContext* allocateContext(CORBA::UShort timeoutSeconds, const char* userData)
00085         throw (CORBA::SystemException, SOAPBridge::ContextManager::InvalidTimeout);
00086     SOAPBridge::ContextManager::SOAPContext* queryContextInfo(const char* contextKey)
00087         throw (CORBA::SystemException, SOAPBridge::ContextManager::ContextKeyNotFound);
00088     void freeContext(const char* contextKey)
00089         throw (CORBA::SystemException, SOAPBridge::ContextManager::ContextKeyNotFound);
00090     void setContextUserData(const char* contextKey, const char* userData)
00091         throw (CORBA::SystemException, SOAPBridge::ContextManager::ContextKeyNotFound);
00092     void setContextTimeout(const char* contextKey, CORBA::UShort timeoutSeconds)
00093         throw (CORBA::SystemException, SOAPBridge::ContextManager::InvalidTimeout,
00094         SOAPBridge::ContextManager::ContextKeyNotFound);
00095 };
00098 static SqContextManager *pCtxMan = NULL;
00101 static CORBA::ORB_ptr orb;
00104 static SOAPBridge_ContextManager_i* mySOAPBridge_ContextManager_i;
00106 static SOAPBridge_ObjectContextManager_i* mySOAPBridge_ObjectContextManager_i;
00109 JTCMonitor contextMonitor;
00112 static void testValidTimeout (unsigned short toSec)
00113 {
00114     if (toSec < 60 || toSec > 3600) {
00115         SOAPBridge::ContextManager::InvalidTimeout ito;
00116         ito.minimumTimeout = 60;
00117         ito.maximumTimeout = 3600;
00118         ito.requestedTimeout = toSec;
00119         throw (ito);
00120     }
00121 }
00124 static SqContext *findContext (const char *contextKey)
00125 {
00126     unsigned long key = pCtxMan->DecodeKey (contextKey);
00127     SqContext *pCtx = pCtxMan->FindContext (key);
00128     if (!pCtx) {
00129         SOAPBridge::ContextManager::ContextKeyNotFound cknf;
00130         cknf.requestedContextKey = CORBA::string_dup (contextKey);
00131         throw (cknf);
00132     }
00133     return pCtx;
00134 }
00137 static char *storeObjRef (const char* contextKey, CORBA::Object_ptr objectReference)
00138 {
00139     unsigned long key = pCtxMan->DecodeKey (contextKey);
00140     SqContext *pCtx = pCtxMan->FindContext (key);
00141     if (!pCtx) {
00142         SOAPBridge::ContextManager::ContextKeyNotFound cknf;
00143         cknf.requestedContextKey = CORBA::string_dup (contextKey);
00144         throw (cknf);
00145     }
00146     pCtx->SetLastAct (time (NULL));
00147     CORBA::String_var sior = orb->object_to_string (objectReference);
00148     unsigned long seq = pCtx->getNextObjSeq ();
00149     (void) new SqObjectReference (pCtx, seq, sior);
00150     CString ret = contextKey;
00151     ret += "/";
00152     char ul [20];
00153     sprintf (ul, "%lu", seq);
00154     ret += ul;
00155     return CORBA::string_dup (ret);
00156 }
00159 SOAPBridge_ContextManager_i::SOAPBridge_ContextManager_i()
00160 {
00161 }
00164 SOAPBridge_ContextManager_i::~SOAPBridge_ContextManager_i()
00165 {
00166     pCtxMan->DeleteAllContext ();
00167     cout << "ContextManager has been destroyed." << endl;
00168 }
00171 SOAPBridge::ContextManager::SOAPContext* SOAPBridge_ContextManager_i::allocateContext(CORBA::UShort timeoutSeconds, const char* userData)
00172 throw (CORBA::SystemException, SOAPBridge::ContextManager::InvalidTimeout)
00173 {
00174     JTCSynchronized synchronized (contextMonitor);
00175     testValidTimeout (timeoutSeconds);
00176     SOAPBridge::ContextManager::SOAPContext* pSctx = new SOAPBridge::ContextManager::SOAPContext;
00177     pSctx->contextKey = CORBA::string_dup (pCtxMan->CreateContext (timeoutSeconds, userData));
00178     pSctx->initialTimeout = timeoutSeconds;
00179     pSctx->timeoutRemaining = timeoutSeconds;
00180     pSctx->storedObjectReferenceCount = 0;
00181     pSctx->userData = CORBA::string_dup (userData);
00182     return pSctx;
00183 }
00186 SOAPBridge::ContextManager::SOAPContext* SOAPBridge_ContextManager_i::queryContextInfo(const char* contextKey)
00187 throw (CORBA::SystemException, SOAPBridge::ContextManager::ContextKeyNotFound)
00188 {
00189     JTCSynchronized synchronized (contextMonitor);
00190     SqContext *pCtx = findContext (contextKey);
00191     SOAPBridge::ContextManager::SOAPContext* pSctx = new SOAPBridge::ContextManager::SOAPContext;
00192     pSctx->contextKey = CORBA::string_dup (contextKey);
00193     pSctx->initialTimeout = pCtx->GetTimeout ();
00194     pSctx->timeoutRemaining = pCtx->timeoutRemaining ();
00195     pSctx->storedObjectReferenceCount = pCtx->GetObjectReferenceCount ();
00196     pSctx->userData = CORBA::string_dup (pCtx->GetUserData ());
00197     return pSctx;
00198 }
00201 void SOAPBridge_ContextManager_i::freeContext(const char* contextKey)
00202 throw (CORBA::SystemException, SOAPBridge::ContextManager::ContextKeyNotFound)
00203 {
00204     JTCSynchronized synchronized (contextMonitor);
00205     SqContext *pCtx = findContext (contextKey);
00206     delete pCtx;
00207 }
00210 void SOAPBridge_ContextManager_i::setContextUserData(const char* contextKey, const char* userData)
00211 throw (CORBA::SystemException, SOAPBridge::ContextManager::ContextKeyNotFound)
00212 {
00213     JTCSynchronized synchronized (contextMonitor);
00214     SqContext *pCtx = findContext (contextKey);
00215     pCtx->SetUserData (userData);
00216     pCtx->SetLastAct (time (NULL));
00217 }
00220 void SOAPBridge_ContextManager_i::setContextTimeout(const char* contextKey, CORBA::UShort timeoutSeconds)
00221 throw (CORBA::SystemException, SOAPBridge::ContextManager::InvalidTimeout,
00222        SOAPBridge::ContextManager::ContextKeyNotFound)
00223 {
00224     JTCSynchronized synchronized (contextMonitor);
00225     testValidTimeout (timeoutSeconds);
00226     SqContext *pCtx = findContext (contextKey);
00227     pCtx->SetTimeout (timeoutSeconds);
00228     pCtx->SetLastAct (time (NULL));
00229 }
00232 SOAPBridge_ObjectContextManager_i::SOAPBridge_ObjectContextManager_i()
00233 {
00234 }
00237 SOAPBridge_ObjectContextManager_i::~SOAPBridge_ObjectContextManager_i()
00238 {
00239 }
00251 char* SOAPBridge_ObjectContextManager_i::storeObjectReference(const char* contextKey, CORBA::Object_ptr objectReference)
00252 throw (CORBA::SystemException, SOAPBridge::ContextManager::ContextKeyNotFound)
00253 {
00254     JTCSynchronized synchronized (contextMonitor);
00255     // prevent lusers from accessing the gl0bal context
00256     if (pCtxMan->DecodeKey (contextKey) == pCtxMan->DecodeKey ("GL0BAL")) {
00257         SOAPBridge::ContextManager::ContextKeyNotFound cknf;
00258         cknf.requestedContextKey = CORBA::string_dup ("Not allowed in the gl0bal context!");
00259         throw (cknf);
00260     }
00261     return storeObjRef (contextKey, objectReference);
00262 }
00270 CORBA::Object_ptr SOAPBridge_ObjectContextManager_i::resolveStoredObjectReference(const char* storedObjectReference)
00271 throw (CORBA::SystemException, SOAPBridge::ObjectContextManager::ObjectReferenceNotFound,
00272        SOAPBridge::ContextManager::ContextKeyNotFound)
00273 {
00274     JTCSynchronized synchronized (contextMonitor);
00275     SqContext *pCtx = findContext (storedObjectReference);
00276     const char *slash = strrchr (storedObjectReference, '/');
00277     if (!slash) {
00278         SOAPBridge::ObjectContextManager::ObjectReferenceNotFound ornf;
00279         ornf.requestedStoredObjectReference = CORBA::string_dup (storedObjectReference);
00280         throw (ornf);
00281     }
00282     unsigned long seq = strtoul (slash + 1, NULL, 10);
00283     SqObjectReference *pObj = pCtx->FindObjectReference (seq);
00284     if (!pObj) {
00285         SOAPBridge::ObjectContextManager::ObjectReferenceNotFound ornf;
00286         ornf.requestedStoredObjectReference = CORBA::string_dup (storedObjectReference);
00287         throw (ornf);
00288     }
00289     CORBA::Object_ptr obj = orb->string_to_object (pObj->GetIOR ());
00290     return obj;
00291 }
00298 void SOAPBridge_ObjectContextManager_i::freeStoredObjectReference(const char* storedObjectReference)
00299 throw (CORBA::SystemException, SOAPBridge::ObjectContextManager::ObjectReferenceNotFound,
00300        SOAPBridge::ContextManager::ContextKeyNotFound)
00301 {
00302     JTCSynchronized synchronized (contextMonitor);
00303     // prevent lusers from accessing the gl0bal context
00304     if (pCtxMan->DecodeKey (storedObjectReference) == pCtxMan->DecodeKey ("GL0BAL")) {
00305         SOAPBridge::ContextManager::ContextKeyNotFound cknf;
00306         cknf.requestedContextKey = CORBA::string_dup ("Not allowed in the gl0bal context!");
00307         throw (cknf);
00308     }
00309     SqContext *pCtx = findContext (storedObjectReference);
00310     const char *slash = strrchr (storedObjectReference, '/');
00311     if (!slash) {
00312         SOAPBridge::ObjectContextManager::ObjectReferenceNotFound ornf;
00313         ornf.requestedStoredObjectReference = CORBA::string_dup (storedObjectReference);
00314         throw (ornf);
00315     }
00316     unsigned long seq = strtoul (slash + 1, NULL, 10);
00317     SqObjectReference *pObj = pCtx->FindObjectReference (seq);
00318     if (!pObj) {
00319         SOAPBridge::ObjectContextManager::ObjectReferenceNotFound ornf;
00320         ornf.requestedStoredObjectReference = CORBA::string_dup (storedObjectReference);
00321         throw (ornf);
00322     }
00323     delete pObj;
00324 }
00327 SOAPBridge::ObjectContextManager::SOAPContextSeq* SOAPBridge_ObjectContextManager_i::listCurrentContexts()
00328 throw (CORBA::SystemException)
00329 {
00330     JTCSynchronized synchronized (contextMonitor);
00331     SOAPBridge::ObjectContextManager::SOAPContextSeq_var pCtxSeq = new SOAPBridge::ObjectContextManager::SOAPContextSeq;
00332     pCtxSeq->length (pCtxMan->GetContextCount ());
00333     int i = 0;
00334     SqContextManager::ContextIterator iter (pCtxMan);
00335     while (++iter) {
00336         pCtxSeq [i].contextKey = CORBA::string_dup (iter->GetContextKey ());
00337         pCtxSeq [i].initialTimeout = iter->GetTimeout ();
00338         pCtxSeq [i].timeoutRemaining = iter->timeoutRemaining ();
00339         pCtxSeq [i].storedObjectReferenceCount = iter->GetObjectReferenceCount ();
00340         pCtxSeq [i].userData = CORBA::string_dup (iter->GetUserData ());
00341         i ++;
00342     }
00343     return pCtxSeq._retn ();
00344 }
00351 SOAPBridge::ObjectContextManager::StoredIORSeq* SOAPBridge_ObjectContextManager_i::listStoredIORs(const char* contextKey)
00352 throw (CORBA::SystemException, SOAPBridge::ContextManager::ContextKeyNotFound)
00353 {
00354     JTCSynchronized synchronized (contextMonitor);
00355     SqContext *pCtx = findContext (contextKey);
00356     SOAPBridge::ObjectContextManager::StoredIORSeq_var pIOR= new SOAPBridge::ObjectContextManager::StoredIORSeq;
00357     pIOR->length (pCtx->GetObjectReferenceCount ());
00358     int i = 0;
00359     SqContext::ObjectReferenceIterator iter (pCtx);
00360     while (++iter) {
00361         CString ret = contextKey;
00362         ret += "/";
00363         char ul [20];
00364         sprintf (ul, "%lu", iter->GetObjSeq ());
00365         ret += ul;
00366         pIOR [i].storedObjectReference = CORBA::string_dup (ret);
00367         pIOR [i].storedObject = CORBA::string_dup (iter->GetIOR ());
00368         i ++;
00369     }
00370     return pIOR._retn ();
00371 }
00374 SOAPBridge::ContextManager::SOAPContext* SOAPBridge_ObjectContextManager_i::allocateContext(CORBA::UShort timeoutSeconds, const char* userData)
00375 throw (CORBA::SystemException, SOAPBridge::ContextManager::InvalidTimeout)
00376 {
00377     return mySOAPBridge_ContextManager_i->allocateContext (timeoutSeconds, userData);
00378 }
00381 SOAPBridge::ContextManager::SOAPContext* SOAPBridge_ObjectContextManager_i::queryContextInfo(const char* contextKey)
00382 throw (CORBA::SystemException, SOAPBridge::ContextManager::ContextKeyNotFound)
00383 {
00384     return mySOAPBridge_ContextManager_i->queryContextInfo (contextKey);
00385 }
00388 void SOAPBridge_ObjectContextManager_i::freeContext(const char* contextKey)
00389 throw (CORBA::SystemException, SOAPBridge::ContextManager::ContextKeyNotFound)
00390 {
00391     mySOAPBridge_ContextManager_i->freeContext (contextKey);
00392 }
00395 void SOAPBridge_ObjectContextManager_i::setContextUserData(const char* contextKey, const char* userData)
00396 throw (CORBA::SystemException, SOAPBridge::ContextManager::ContextKeyNotFound)
00397 {
00398     mySOAPBridge_ContextManager_i->setContextUserData (contextKey, userData);
00399 }
00402 void SOAPBridge_ObjectContextManager_i::setContextTimeout(const char* contextKey, CORBA::UShort timeoutSeconds)
00403 throw (CORBA::SystemException, SOAPBridge::ContextManager::InvalidTimeout,
00404        SOAPBridge::ContextManager::ContextKeyNotFound)
00405 {
00406     mySOAPBridge_ContextManager_i->setContextTimeout (contextKey, timeoutSeconds);
00407 }
00410 void SOAPBridge_ObjectContextManager_i::CleanupContexts()
00411 {
00412     JTCSynchronized synchronized (contextMonitor);
00413     time_t now = time (NULL);
00414     SqContextManager::ContextIterator iter (pCtxMan);
00415     while (++iter) {
00416         // Note that contexts with a timeout value of zero will
00417         // never time out (i.e. GL0BAL).
00418         if (iter->GetTimeout() && iter->timeoutRemaining (&now) < 1) {
00419             delete iter;
00420         }
00421     }
00422 }
00425 class ContextCleaner : public JTCThread
00426 {
00427 public:
00429     virtual void run ()
00430     {
00431         while (mySOAPBridge_ObjectContextManager_i != NULL) {
00432             mySOAPBridge_ObjectContextManager_i->CleanupContexts ();
00433             this->sleep (1000);
00434         }
00435     };
00436 };
00439 int main (int argn, char *argv [])
00440 {
00441     ANYCFG_H cfgHdl = sbInitialize (argn, argv);
00442     SqContextManager CtxMan;
00443     pCtxMan = &CtxMan;
00444     CORBA_H corbaHdl = initCorba (argn, argv);
00445     orb = (CORBA::ORB_ptr) corbaHdl;
00446     try {
00447         CosNaming::Name name;
00448         CosNaming::NamingContext_var inc;
00449         CosNaming::NamingContext_var myinc;
00450         PortableServer::POA_var poa;
00451         PortableServer::POAManager_var mgr;
00452         try {
00453             CORBA::Object_var nms = orb->resolve_initial_references ("NameService");
00454             inc = CosNaming::NamingContext::_narrow (nms);
00455             assert (!CORBA::is_nil (inc));
00456             name.length (1);
00457             printf ("Binding %s to 'SOAPBridge' naming context\n", argv [0]);
00458             name [0].id = CORBA::string_dup ("SOAPBridge");
00459             name [0].kind = CORBA::string_dup ("");
00460             try {
00461                 myinc = inc->bind_new_context (name);
00462             }
00463             catch (const CosNaming::NamingContext::AlreadyBound &) {
00464                 // fine, context already exists
00465                 CORBA::Object_var ncb = inc->resolve (name);
00466                 myinc = CosNaming::NamingContext::_narrow (ncb);
00467             }
00468             catch (...) {
00469                 cout << "Fatal error: some exception while calling NameService!" << endl;
00470             }
00471         }
00472         catch (...) {
00473             cout << "Fatal error: could not contact NameService!" << endl;
00474             return -1;
00475         }
00476         try {
00477             CORBA::Object_var obj = orb->resolve_initial_references ("RootPOA");
00478             poa = PortableServer::POA::_narrow (obj);
00479             mgr = poa->the_POAManager ();
00480             mgr->activate ();
00481         }
00482         catch (...) {
00483             cout << "Fatal error: could not activate POAManager!" << endl;
00484             return -1;
00485         }
00486         try {
00487             mySOAPBridge_ContextManager_i = new SOAPBridge_ContextManager_i();
00488             srand (time (NULL));
00489             mySOAPBridge_ObjectContextManager_i = new SOAPBridge_ObjectContextManager_i();
00490             PortableServer::ObjectId_var mySOAPBridge_ContextManager_iid = poa->activate_object(mySOAPBridge_ContextManager_i);
00491             PortableServer::ObjectId_var mySOAPBridge_ObjectContextManager_iid = poa->activate_object(mySOAPBridge_ObjectContextManager_i);
00492             // Obtain a reference to each object and store the IOR's
00493             {
00494                 // IDL interface: SOAPBridge::ContextManager
00495                 CORBA::Object_var ref = mySOAPBridge_ContextManager_i->_this();
00496                 CosNaming::Name name;
00497                 name.length (1);
00498                 name [0].id = CORBA::string_dup ("ContextManager");
00499                 name [0].kind = CORBA::string_dup ("");
00500                 myinc->rebind (name, ref);
00501                 CORBA::String_var sior = storeObjRef ("GL0BAL", ref); // 1
00502             }
00504             {
00505                 // IDL interface: SOAPBridge::ObjectContextManager
00506                 CORBA::Object_var ref = mySOAPBridge_ObjectContextManager_i->_this();
00507                 CosNaming::Name name;
00508                 name.length (1);
00509                 name [0].id = CORBA::string_dup ("ObjectContextManager");
00510                 name [0].kind = CORBA::string_dup ("");
00511                 myinc->rebind (name, ref);
00512                 CORBA::String_var sior = storeObjRef ("GL0BAL", ref); // 2
00513             }
00515             ContextCleaner *cleaner = new ContextCleaner;
00516             cleaner->start ();
00517             orb->run ();
00518         }
00519         catch (...) {
00520             cout << "Fatal error: could not create client!" << endl;
00521             return -1;
00522         }
00523     }
00524     catch(CORBA::SystemException&) {
00525         cerr << "Caught CORBA::SystemException." << endl;
00526     }
00527     catch(CORBA::Exception&) {
00528         cerr << "Caught CORBA::Exception." << endl;
00529     }
00530     catch(...) {
00531         cerr << "Caught unknown exception." << endl;
00532     }
00533     try {
00534         orb->shutdown (true);
00535         orb->destroy ();
00536     }
00537     catch(...) {
00538         cerr << "Caught unknown exception." << endl;
00539     }
00541     termCorba (corbaHdl);
00542     sbTerminate (cfgHdl);
00543     return 0;
00544 }

This documentation is part of the "SOAP to CORBA bridge" project
Copyright © 2000 by Lifeline Networks bv.
All rights are reserved.